Alex St-Amant & Frederic Manseau

Alex St-Amant

CA  31 years old

Frederic Manseau

CA  30 years old

100 degrees latitude: a journey through the Americas

October 2017 - April 2018  •  169 days

Armed with a 4x4, tents and few clothes, two geography students are going to live the biggest adventure of all their lives: crossing North, Central and South America together. They will leave from Québec, Canada and go through the United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and finally Argentina to reach the Southernmost city of the world, Ushuaia. The idea started two years ago during a geomorphology class in the Alps when the two buddies talked about doing the trip together after their studies. Now here they are, ready for the big day on October 28th, 2017. On their way, apart from many cities and villages, they will see oceans, coasts, islands, seas, lakes, rivers, tropical forests, deserts, mountains, caverns, glaciers and especially a lot of roads! During the approximate six months of travelling, the two young men will camp, hike, surf and dive but also volunteer, write a travel's blog and wish to take part of as many adventures as possible. Follow us through our epic journey!